Trends in Educational Technology

EdCamp by July Miranda As educators we all attend various professional development events throughout the school year and even in the summer. As educators how many of said events can we also say are fun and educational? I am guessing that many will answer that not many of those PD conferences are that exciting and even educational because in most cases the PD conferences involve educators sittin down for most if not all of the event. PD conferences are there to teach and inspire educators but many times we are left in boredom and fatigue. When we are in regular PD conferences if we are placed in groups, we must remain in those groups. Wouldn't it be better if we can have PD conferences in which we can walk around and "converse" and be able to walk away with no consequences if a conversation about a certain subject does not interest us? I personally enjoy and learn more from things that I have more interest in, for example if I'm in a PD that is referring to things...